Make a donation and we will do the shopping. Choose "Lumber City Outfitters" under the Fund drop down menu.
Want to help us shop? View our Shoppers Guide for our best tips on where to shop, what to look for, and how to know if it's a good price.
We need volunteers to help tag items, set up the racks, work the event, and tear down afterwards.
Share the need with your network of friends. Here are some images and a script to use!
Lumber City Outfitters is an outreach of God's Love. Our mission is to provide affordable clothing for low income families in our city in a unique boutique type shopping experience. Keep scrolling to see how you can be part of the story God is telling.
To stay up to date on all our sale dates and other exciting information, click the button below and fill out the form. It should only take a few seconds!